I'm trying to get procmail working on my rh 6.2 system, after reading the
manual and banging my head on the keyboard for several hours, I'm
thoroughly confused--a comfortable state, for me and linux.. my question
I've setup procmail as follows, MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail which is there in my
home directory and includes all the mailboxes I'm saving my mail to. When
I open mutt it reads the mail in /var/spool/mail/dlm. the result is mail
isn't being transferred to my MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail directory. Is this
What I want to do is have procmail transfer mutt-users messages
/var/spool/mail/dlm to /home/dlm/Mail/mutt, correct? I have a mutt mbox,
and here's how I've setup the .procmailrc recipe:
* (^Reply-To:.*|^TO_)mutt-users

But it doesn't work. I will attach my .procmailrc and .muttrc files if
someone cares to take a look.


 -- dale
# System configuration file for Mutt

ignore received content- mime-version status x-status message-id sender
ignore references return-path lines

#Key mapping
bind pager      up      previous-line
bind pager      down    next-line
bind index              \Cu             previous-page
bind index              \Cd             next-page
bind index              <right> collapse-thread
bind index              <left>  collapse-thread

# Variables
set askcc
set attribution = "At %{%d} %{%B}, %{%Y} %n wrote:"
set copy = yes
set nobeep
set editor = "pico -t -n60 -z"
set record = "~/Mail/sent"
set signature = "~/.signature"
set status_on_top
set sort = threads
#set pgp_default_version=pgp5
set fast_reply 
# SET PAGer_index_lines=`(stty size ; echo s0 5 / 1 + p) | dc`

# Tell mutt about mailboxes
mailboxes = !
mailboxes =anndyck
mailboxes =backup
mailboxes =craptalk
mailboxes =hhenry
mailboxes =mutt
mailboxes =muttlinux
mailboxes =premium1ehm
mailboxes =saved_mail
mailboxes =savedmail
mailboxes =sent
mailboxes =tracy
set quote_regexp="^[ \t]*[a-zA-Z\.]*>"  # Default: "^[>|#:}] "
set status_format="%v: %f  %M/%m msgs, %n new  %?t tagged, ?%l bytes]"
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L %3M (%4l) %s"
set reply_regexp="^(re|sv):[ \t]*"

# imitate the old search-body function
macro index \eb '/~b '

# simluate the old url menu
macro index \cb |urlview\n
macro pager \cb |urlview\n

# Header weeding (conservative version): explicitly ignore any boring header

ignore Received Message-ID Status Content- Resent- Precedence References
ignore In-Reply-To Return-Path Return-Receipt-To Mailer X400
ignore Mime-Version Sender Originator
ignore X-Status X-Loop X-Mailing-List X-Listprocessor X-Face
ignore X-Received X-Mailer X-Envelope-To X-Sender X-Attribution
ignore X-MIME-Autoconverted

# Usenet headers can occur for Cc-ed messages; they can still be
# recognized by the newsgroups header.
ignore Path Lines NNTP-Posting-Host X-Newsreader X-Submitted-Via

# Color / video attribute definitions. Not too flashy.

color   hdrdefault      green           black
color   header          brightyellow    black   "^From:"
mono    header          bold                    "^From:"
color   header          brightyellow    black   "^Subject:"
mono    header          bold                    "^Subject:"
color   header          brightred       black   "^X-.*.Warning"
mono    header          bold                    "^X-.*.Warning"
color   header          brightred       black   ".*[Uu]nverified.*"
mono    header          bold                    ".*[Uu]nverified.*"
color   quoted          green           black
color   signature       brightred       black
color   indicator       brightyellow    red
color   attachment      brightmagenta   black
color   error           brightred       black
mono    error           bold
color   status          brightwhite     blue
color   tree            brightmagenta   black
color   tilde           brightmagenta   black
color   body            brightyellow    black   "(ftp|http|gopher|wais|file)://[^ ]+"
mono    body            bold                    "(ftp|http|gopher|wais|file)://[^ ]+"
color   body            brightmagenta   black   "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
mono    body            bold                    "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"

#       lists <list-name> [ <list-name> ... ]

lists      PGP-Basics mutt-users zoot-list PGP-Basics lvlug

subscribe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
subscribe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
subscribe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
subscribe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

alias redhat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias dale Dale Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias hank Hank Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias ann Ann Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias mutt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias liming Liming Song <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias lisa Lisa Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias huff \"H.David Huffman\" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias ethel  Ethel Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias tracy Ron & Tracy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias traceyl Tracey Leacock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias Jon Jon Jorgenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias lvlug [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Ailbhe's .procmailrc                                               #

# Procmail is disastrously confusing. Many thanks to Telsa Gwynne for# 
# making a decently commented .procmailrc available to the world for # 
# perusal, or I wouldn't even know the little I do.                  #
# http://roadrunner.swansea.linux.org.uk/~hobbit/procmailrctest      #
# Lines beginning in # are, of course, comments.                     #

# The full path of your shell. I use bash, which lives in /bin/bash

# This is so that it can deal with long lines

# Where are things that procmail uses kept? These 3 paths should do.

# Verbosity of procmail logs. "off" gives you a 1-line summary per mail

# Your Mail directory. _Not_ /var/spool/mail/username

# It is convenient to keep procmail logs with email. You can use 
# $HOME/logs/procmaillog if it suits your system better

# Procmail uses "formail"; you need the full path. Type "which formail"
# at the command line if you don't know where it is.

# Procmail also uses "sendmail"; I think it can use other MTAs, too.
# (Mail Transport Agent). Again, "which sendmail".

# Recipes stolen from Telsa Gwynne. They work. I don't argue.       #

# Kills duplicate messages which is useful if you check mail from 
# different machines and leave them on the POP3 server.
:0 Wh: msgid.lock
| $FORMAIL -D 8192 msgid.cache

# Puts a backup copy of the last 200 messages in $HOME/Mail/backup
# To change the number of backups, change "1,200d" to "1,<foo>d"
:0 c

  :0 ic
  | cd backup && rm -f dummy `ls -t msg.* | sed -e 1,200d`

# Regenerate "From" lines to make sure they are valid
# Takes longer, but works.
:0 fhw
| formail -I "From " -a "From "

# These are the "recipes" I use to sort mail. It will check things in#
# alpha order, so be careful about very similar sort criteria.       #
# Characters you will need to "escape" with a backslash "\" include  #
#                [ ] { } ( ) ^ \ $ ? + . *                           #
# If you type "* ^TO:" it will check the "To" and "Cc" lines.        #

# BUILDING RECIPES                                                   #
#                                                                    #
# I don't know what ":0:" does; I assume it tells procmail that the  #
# recipe starts here                                                 #
#                                                                    #
# The "^" checks that the line _begins_ with the text, eg "From:"    #
# ".*" is a wildcard. "\." is a literal "." so it searches for       #
# "From:<anything>amazon.<anything>"                                 #
#                                                                    #
# The last line is the folder in $HOME/Mail it puts the mail into.   #

* (^Reply-To:.*|^TO_)mutt-users

# Because it sorts through everything in alphabetical order, I use all
# the next 3 recipes to make sure mail for two similar lists goes to 
# seperate mailboxes.

#* ^Subject:.*\[web-discuss\] CVS.*

#* ^Subject:.*CVS.*

#:0: #* ^Subject:.*\[web-discuss\].* 

# The End - remember, this file has the copyright and disclaimer.    #
# Commentthem out before you try to use the file!                    #

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