At  3:06 PM EDT on June 18 Suresh Ramasubramanian sent off:
> David T-G proclaimed on mutt-users that: 
> >  fcc-save-hook \
> >    =PALS/%O
> >
> >for my special pals Al, Bill and Chuck so that their mail goes into their
> >folders under $HOME/Mail/PALS instead of under $HOME/Mail.  I'd really
> >like to be able to define a class of pals so that I can say
> Call me clueless but this sounds more like a mail _delivery_ issue to be
> managed with fetchmail and procmail rather than mutt.

No, just hasty.  Look again; it's an fcc-save-hook.  I've read that outgoing
mail can be procmailed but also that it's a pain.  The complaint is really
about having to specify the same alias multiple times anyway, so procmail would
just make things worse.

If mutt can't or won't be reorganized in a better way, maybe somebody (else ;-)
could write a script to take alias definitions and produce lists of save-hooks
and fcc-save-hooks.  A similar neat trick would be to simultaneously define
mailing lists in both your .procmailrc and .muttrc, i.e.
!listdefine mutt-users [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which
 side he's on." - Joseph Heller, Catch-22
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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