> Suresh Ramasubramanian:

> polling [EMAIL PROTECTED] is slow, to say the least.
> Brightmail pops mails from gmx (not the fastest available pop server),
> then filters  it, then you pop mail from brightmail ...

that's correct, but primary concern is to keep spam away from my machine,
so there's no alternative.

> Take a look at http://www.spambouncer.org - extensive procmail :)

i have, as a matter of fact, but, see above.

> You might also want to take a quick look at
> http://www.pcquest.com/june00/linux_spam.asp if you want to do a little
> more filtering (yeah, old hat I know - but please, I'd love your opinion
> on this article - you see, I wrote it) ;)

sir!  i am free (bsd, that is).

> May I suggest cable instead of ISDN?

yes you may.  now who's got the facts, is it true that one shares bandwith
with the gang in the same street, because cables are shared?

> Go climb a gravity well!

fall into it!


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