I keep a copy of all my sent mail with the command 

set record=~/Mail/sent

in my .muttrc file.  I recently converted this folder to a Maildir.
Since then none of the new messages have a Lines: tag, so to mutt they
all appear to have 0 lines.

I've actually written a little perl script to add the Lines tag where
it's missing, but it seems kind of kludgy to do it that way.  Does
anyone know a way to have mutt insert the tag in the header of these
messages?  The trick shown in the FAQ doesn't work because these
messages don't do through procmail.

If mutt can't do it itself, could I pipe the messages through an
external program that could add the Lines tag and write it to the
Maildir?  I actually have said program, which I wrote for a box which
has mutt, qmail, and perl installed, but which for some reason doesn't
have procmail.  I'd be happy to post the program to the list if
anyone's interested.



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