thanks to all who answered my question...
On 06-Jun-00 Michael Tatge wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered:
>> is mutt able to create new folders?
> If you want to create a new message-folder that's done simply by
> saving
> a message to a new "foldername".
aha, and that makes me ask, what type of a mailbox/folder is this:
mh, mbox or yet sth different ?
I ask because I created 2 xfmail mailboxes, local MBOX and local
MH, the first is invisible for mutt while the 2nd is visible;
so I added one more MH mailbox and this time this one is invisible;
see my confusion?
what type of mailboxes are (non)readable for mutt ?
(or is this an rtfm like question?)
> If you want to create a new directory say in your $folder you'll
> need
> to create $folder/mailinglists/ first, be a able to save messages
> in
> =/mailinglists/mutt. Mutt will not create parent dirs as needed.
> HTH,
> Michael
> --
> All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
> PGP-fingerprint: DECA E9D2 EBDD 0FE0 0A65 40FA 5967 ACA1 0B57 7C13
Date: 06-Jun-00
Time: 22:14:30
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