Create a mailbox. Log in as root, if you have to and go to
/var/spool/mail and "touch tjg"

This is an ls -al of /var/spool/mail on my system

-rw-r-----   1 deklown  deklown    142865 Jun  6 12:08 deklown

Make sure the rights are nice and pretty, and you are off like a skirt.

On Tue, Jun 06, 2000 at 11:45:03AM -0700, Timothy Grant muttered:
| Hi again,
| Though I really want to make Mutt work with IMAP, I've decided to take
| the plunge anyway (What the heck I have some space on my notebook) so I
| have setup fetchmail to retrieve mail from my IMAP account. It then
| pipes it into procmail which filters the mail for me into various and
| sundry mailboxes, and hopefully leaves very little in my regular mail
| spool. 
| However, when I start mutt I get an error telling me that
| /var/spool/mail/tjg is not a mailbox.
| Thanks for any assistance you might be able to provide.
| -- 
| Stand Fast,
|     tjg.
| Timothy Grant                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Chief Technology Officer    
| Red Hat Certified Engineer                           MIG #1433
| Avalon Technology Group, Inc.           
| >>>>>>>>>>>>Linux...Because rebooting isn't normal<<<<<<<<<<<<


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