Hi Mikko,

Thanks for the tip!

> This is pretty basic unix stuff, but I guess you have to learn it from
> somewhere. :-)  Put a & at the end of the (or any) command line, to put
> that command in "background".  eg.
>   emacs -f server-start &
> Sure.  This depends on which shell you're using, but each shell has a
> startup file that is run every time you log in.  For bash, it's .profile
> (or .bashrc, both are used and both work) in your home dir.  For tcsh
> and the like, it's .cshrc.  Putting the above command (with the &) in
> that file will run it every time you log in.

Unfortunately I tried it without success; I put

emacs -f server-start &

into my ~/.profile (I just found out that my shell is called "bash"... :-) and logged 
in again, but I get an error message saying

emacs: standard input is not a tty
[3]+  Exit 1                  emacs -f server-start

Does this mean that I can't use the "&" trick?

But I seem to have understood something: running emacsclient on a virtual console 
isn't supposed to open a emacs window on the tty, is it? When I give the command

emacs -f server-start

at a virtual console, and in a different one call "edit" inside of mutt, mutt just 
says "Waiting for Emacs..."; the first times this happened I just sat there and 
pressed "Enter", but then I understood that that buffer (the message i wanted to edit, 
in this case) was opened in the tty I had ran emacs -f server-start! When I saved the 
buffer on that tty (with C-x-#) and returned to the mutt console, I had the message 
menu open (I don't know what to call it...:-) it is the screen you get after editing a 
message) and could send the message!

But can't I use emacsclient to open an emacs window on *that* (i.e., where I am 
running mutt) tty? If this is so, that pretty much explains why I can't run the 
emacs-server in the backgroud, right? :-)

Thank you for any info,


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