Hi everyone,

I am trying to follow the advice I was given when I first joined the list, and *not* 
use emacs as my editor, which seems a really good advice because each time mutt needs 
to launch it (on my ageing laptop) it takes quite a while. So I decided to give 
emacsclient a try, and ran

emacs -f server-start

and set export EDITOR=emacsclient. But this started an emacs window on that virtual 
console, so I switched to another one, entered export EDITOR=emacsclient again, and 
ran mutt. Now it works fine, and whenever I edit something inside mutt I get an emacs 
window that works perfectly and shows up in no time; but how can I run the server 
without tying up a virtual console?

Is it possible to automatically start a "server" version of emacs after login so that 
mutt can always run emacsclient?

Thank you for any tip!



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