Chris Green proclaimed on mutt-users that:
>I run mutt on a number of (mostly Linux) systems and since I have
>compiled and built it about a dozen or so times over the past week or
>so I have a couple of minor problems/niggles:-
Facing the same problem on my box here ...
>1 - I am just a lowly user on all these systems (except one) so I run
> ./configure with the --with-prefix option. This mostly works fine
> except that 'make install' always fails when it tries to modify
My box here has 0.95.4i - a rather buggy release (with some obvious errors
in date parsing, and a few security holes to boot). However, it has a
mutt.dotlock, which allows me to build and install mutt in my homedir (1.3
works beautifully - but 1.3.[1|2] dumped core on me whenever I tried to
compose a mail.
> the permissions on mutt_dotlock. Shouldn't the ./configure see
> that mutt is being installed by a non-root user and act
> accordingly?
I don't think this is available as of now.
Suresh Ramasubramanian | sureshr at
"Life may have no meaning -- or even worse, it may have a meaning of
which I disapprove."