> Or, to make it portable and unlimited by current keyboard bindings, use the
> function/key names:
>   macro index YourKeyOfChoiceHere <change-folder><enter><next-new>
> With this, you could make your "magic key" to be even tab, although I'm
> not sure how to make it select either next-new in this folder or
> next-new in next folder if there are no new messages in the current
> folder -- that may be beyond Mutt's capabilities at this stage.

I added this line:

        macro index <tab> <change-folder><enter><next-new>

and it seems to take me through all messages in all my folders pretty

> After you're in that list, you can also press tab to view your list of
> incoming mailboxes, the same list that you defined with that "mailboxes"
> command.
> I have this macroed as "i" and I use it almost exclusively to change
> folders:
>   macro index i <change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>

I added this as-is and it works perfectly, and since it actually displays
an "N" next to mailboxes with new messages, it pretty much does everything
I want!  OK, it would be nice to see number of new and unread, but this
is probably good enough for my purposes.

> > Is there a way of saving a bunch of mail out all into the right per-list mailbox,
> > using my save-hooks, and defaulting to my record mailbox for things I don't
> > have a hook for?
> Nope, sorry, that's not currently possible either.  Someone submitting a
> patch might be welcome. :-)  Although some discussion about how it
> would/should work might be a good idea first, before writing of the
> patch starts...

Right... I think you want something that acts on tagged messages and saves
them to existing mailboxes using save-hooks if they exist, or otherwise to
the received folder if there's no existing mailbox.  To be honest, having my mail
auto-filtered makes this less of a priority for me now :)

Jacob Davies
Lead UNIX Engineer
SF Interactive

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