Jacob Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Tue, 23 May 2000:
> (Hi, I just subscribed to mutt-users :)
Hi, welcome! :-)
> I've been using mutt for a while as a nice elm replacement with good MIME
> handling, and I just started looking at how to use it with mail filtered
> into different folders for mailing lists and users by procmail.
Cool, that's what a lot of us do too. :-)
> As I understand it, I will get
> notification that I have new mail when it arrives in any of those mailboxes,
> and in order to get to my next piece of new mail in any mailbox I have to
> hit "c" to change mailboxes, hit Return, and hit Tab.
This is true too, but you can easily macro it. A very simple macro as
these things go, just 3 characters:
macro index YourKeyOfChoiceHere c<return><tab>
Or, to make it portable and unlimited by current keyboard bindings, use the
function/key names:
macro index YourKeyOfChoiceHere <change-folder><enter><next-new>
With this, you could make your "magic key" to be even tab, although I'm
not sure how to make it select either next-new in this folder or
next-new in next folder if there are no new messages in the current
folder -- that may be beyond Mutt's capabilities at this stage.
(note: both of the examples are untested)
> If I want to pick
> an arbitrary mailbox I need to hit "c", "?" to pick from a list.
After you're in that list, you can also press tab to view your list of
incoming mailboxes, the same list that you defined with that "mailboxes"
I have this macroed as "i" and I use it almost exclusively to change
macro index i <change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>
And same for the pager. Actually, the macro is somewhat more complex
since it also sets sorting, but the gist of it is above.
> What I want is a folder view, a bit like what you get with "c", "?", but with
> the number of new and unread messages in each folder displayed.
That, unfortunately, is not possible with Mutt. You can get the folder
view, and see whether there are new messages in them, but not any sorts
of statistics about number of messages and their states.
The key issue here is speed -- scanning folders takes a long time,
especially if there are a lot of messages. To keep things reasonably
fast, Mutt only reports whether folders have new mail or not. Anything
beyond that would require a full scanning of every folder. Since Mutt
is single-threaded, it can't do this in the background either, while
you're reading other messages... Thus, it would need to do this every
time when you enter such a view.
Admittedly the user might still want this to happen, and I agree
(provided that the user has to choice to have this feature on/off), but
currently there is no support for this.
What I do is I have a separate perl script which reads the procmail log
and displays the number of messages delivered into each folder. Crude,
has to be run from the command line (although it could be macroed to be
executed from Mutt!), but it works for me. :-)
> I think I could accomplish this with a wrapper that monitors all my mailboxes
> for new mail and display that on a menu, pushing me into mutt on that mailbox
> when I select one, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel (even though I
> didn't see anything like this out there).
This sounds like a reasonable solution, and is probably better than
implementing something like this in Mutt. (Although it could be argued
that something like this would be good to have in Mutt -- *separate*
from the "which folder has new mail" view, or user-toggable, so the user
is prepared to wait while the folders are scanned.)
I don't know of any such applications which would be text-mode based.
I think there's a few "biff"-like utilities for X that will do something
like this, I'm not sure but for instance GBuffy might be such a tool.
> I'll have a bunch of mail in my inbox that I want to save to the various
> folders that it belongs in, but I want to go through and tag everything I want
> to save and then save it all at once. Unfortunately, if I do this I only
> get one choice of which mailbox to save it in, so either I save it all to my
> big received mail file, or I save it all into the wrong per-list mailbox. Is
> there a way of saving a bunch of mail out all into the right per-list mailbox,
> using my save-hooks, and defaulting to my record mailbox for things I don't
> have a hook for?
Nope, sorry, that's not currently possible either. Someone submitting a
patch might be welcome. :-) Although some discussion about how it
would/should work might be a good idea first, before writing of the
patch starts...
Anyway, hope I could be of help...
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu // [EMAIL PROTECTED] // http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
// The Corrs list maintainer // net.freak // DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
Please don't type so loud, I have a headache.