> Indeed. Didn't we already go over this on the mutt-dev list and > come up with the specs for the way the lists handling *should* work? Yep. I was just too lazy to dig out the references ... > It's just that nobody's done it yet. ;-) > > (Hmm, maybe you're not on mutt-dev...) You should know me better ;)
- procmail rules daniel
- Re: procmail rules Mipam
- Re: procmail rules Anatoly Vorobey
- Re: procmail rules Lars Hecking
- Re: procmail rules Suresh Ramasubramanian
- Re: procmail rules Lars Hecking
- Re: procmail rules Mikko Hänninen
- Re: procmail rules Lars Hecking
- Re: procmail rules Suresh Ramasubramanian