> You are reading your mail off an IMAP server right?  And you have it set
> _not_ to expunge messages from the imap server.  So, even if a copy is
> fetched locally to mailbox, it may stay on the imap server.
Is there anyway to expunge the messages from the IMAP server? With a setting of some 


> -- 
> Suresh Ramasubramanian | sureshr at staff.juno.com
> Green light in a.m. for new projects.  Red light in P.M. for traffic
> tickets.

 David S. Glaser  AKA Grizz     |        
 M&M Systems Administrator      | Forget virus scanning. Its all about "re-
 U201 M&ME Building             | education". Preferably in a parking lot with
 Houghton, MI 49931             | a tire iron.   - BOFH
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |  

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