Whenever I exit mutt I get the question: Do you want to move messages into <dir>/mbox? 

I know what the purpose of mbox is, but I have a large number of students who are 
becomming confused on what it is and what to do about it. Because removing features is 
much easier with users rather than trying to educate them (Those who know are probably 
agreeing here). Is there anyway to:

a. Default to using a mbox and always move their mail for them? So they don't have to 

b. Default to NOT moving mail to mbox. Granted this almost negates the usefulness of 
IMAP, but I had to ask.


c. Remove the use of the mbox entirely and just keep their mail on the IMAP server, 
again negating most of the use of IMAP. 

I would MUCH rather have choice (a), but if anyone can help me, help would be 

BTW: We are doing away with elm as an email program (all nfs clients actually and 
going to only POP or IMAP). My old elm users are moving to mutt since it is the 
closest to elm. Is there anyway to get the "received" folder behavior back? THis is 
not my idea, but I had a few requests.

Thanks all

 David S. Glaser  AKA Grizz     |        
 M&M Systems Administrator      | Forget virus scanning. Its all about "re-
 U201 M&ME Building             | education". Preferably in a parking lot with
 Houghton, MI 49931             | a tire iron.   - BOFH
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |  

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