Hi  Emily, Mikko and Gero,

Thank you all for your replies. This first problem is over! :-) The
"export VISUAL" and "export EDITOR" command lines did the trick, and I
got to edit the message.

Then I closed emacs (I still haven't found a place I can download jove
from, but I will try it out, Emily,thanks), the file was saved in
/temp/mutt... , and, back in mutt, I tiped "y" for sending it BUT... :-(
I got a

"error sending message, child exited 127 (exec error)"

I guess this means that my postfix install isn't that kosher after all,
right? this doesn't seem to have anything to do with mutt itself; am I

Thank you all, once again. 

And about the slackare-user with problems: it sure is reassuring to know
I am not the only lost would-be-mutt-user! :-)



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