
Manuel Arriaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sun, 21 May 2000:
> How can I, for example send an email? Is there any special
> configuration necessary before doing so?

Well, not really.

Mutt needs these things (that I can think of):

/usr/bin/sendmail  (or something like that), for sending the email --
ie. the MTA must be properly configured.  If you can send email with
Postfix, then you should be set, the installation probably takes care
of adding a symlink named /usr/bin/sendmail (or something close to that)

An editor...

And that's about it.

> I pressed "m" and then typed an
> address, then a subject line, and then got an "message aborted" error
> message... I thought that was due to the fact that I hadn't defined an
> editor, so I declared (at the bash prompt)

That could be it, yes.  Likely Mutt tried to run the editor (or found
there was no editor defined), and then the message file had been edited,
so it aborted the message sending.

> VISUAL=emacs
> EDITOR=emacs
> but mutt still aborted after inputing the message's subject line. Any
> tips?

Well, you may still need to do "export VISUAL" and "export EDITOR", before
programs which you start from the shell will see those variables.

> Or should I try a simpler email client? Is the latest version of elm any
> easier to use?

That's arguable, however if you have problems with your editor setting
them elm won't work any better. :-)  Pine would work since it has its
own internal editor...

You can see what Mutt thinks your editor is by typing this in Mutt:

  :set ?editor<ENTER>

... where <ENTER> is of course the enter keypress.

If you're having still problems after you've made sure the editor is
defined correctly, you can write back to the list and maybe we can help
you further. :-)  Unfortunately I don't know of a complete newbie's Mutt
manual, so I can't point you toward one.

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //  http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

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