On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 11:32:57PM -0400, Jonathan Pennington wrote:
-> Again with the lost configs. I used to just type that sequence after
-> writing an email and emacs would save and exit, automagically
-> releasing control to Mutt. Unfortunately, now I have to explicitily
-> exit before continuing. Does anyone know what I want to adjust to
-> make the sequence C-c C-c (or any sequence for that matter) do this
-> automagically again? I know that this is really a .emacs question, but
-> I thought it was in post.el, so it's a Mutt specific .emacs question
-> :-)
Rather than firing up Emacs and exiting it every time you want to use it,
fire up Emacs once per login and shut it down when you log out. It means
access to files is much faster.
In Mutt, set your editor to emacsclient:
set editor="emacsclient" # editor to use when composing messages
and use C-x # to exit. You can do other tricks by building an elisp
function which would call "server-exit", the function C-X # calls. For
example, one of these days I will get around to writing a function like
that which calls spook:
supercomputer domestic disruption Uzi Ft. Meade World Trade Center Legion
of Doom DES Qaddafi NORAD fissionable SDI nuclear kibo munitions CIA
-- C^2
No windows were crashed in the making of this email.
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