On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 06:23:58AM -0600, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 11:32:57PM -0400, Jonathan Pennington wrote:
> -> Again with the lost configs. I used to just type that sequence after
> -> writing an email and emacs would save and exit, automagically
> -> releasing control to Mutt. Unfortunately, now I have to explicitily
> -> exit before continuing. Does anyone know what I want to adjust to
> -> make the sequence C-c C-c (or any sequence for that matter) do this
> -> automagically again? I know that this is really a .emacs question, but
> -> I thought it was in post.el, so it's a Mutt specific .emacs question
> -> :-)
> Rather than firing up Emacs and exiting it every time you want to use it,
> fire up Emacs once per login and shut it down when you log out. It means
> access to files is much faster.
> In Mutt, set your editor to emacsclient:
> set editor="emacsclient"      # editor to use when composing messages

You can also set the VISUAL or EDITOR variable that buy you the same
feature (popping a emacs buffer to edit stuff) for many tools at once.

> and use C-x # to exit. You can do other tricks by building an elisp
> function which would call "server-exit", the function C-X # calls. For
> example, one of these days I will get around to writing a function like

you also need the following line in ~/.emacs to enable the server part
at emacs startup:


  Stéphane Payrard
   email   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   portable: 06 60 95 82 69

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