On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 02:05:45AM -0400, Brendan Cully wrote:
> On Wednesday, 17 May 2000 at 14:10, Shao Zhang wrote:
> > Hi,
> >     sorry to jump in here. But how do you actually browse all the
> >     IMAP folders on the remote server?
> > 
> >     The way I am doing now is to put every single folder under the
> >     mailbox command.
> > 
> >     I have tried to use 'c' change-folder, and then put the imap
> >     servername {} there, but then nothing comes up in the
> >     browser. The bottom status line says something like
> >     {}INBOX.
> > 
> >     What am I doing wrong?
> The magic comes in the <tab> key. Set your folder to {}, then
> press c<tab> and see what happens. you should get your folder list
> (assuming you are using mutt 1.1 or later).
This is OK if you want to move wholly over to using the IMAP server
for a while but is no use if you just want to find something on the
IMAP server while dealing with local mail.

Most of the time I want my folder to stay as "/home/chris/Mail" but I
want occasionally to browse the remote IMAP server to find some
message I've saved there.

See my other recent messages for a macro to get to browse the remote
IMAP server without changing $folder.

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