On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 02:10:18PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
> Brendan Cully [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > On Tuesday, 16 May 2000 at 12:56, Dave (Grizz) Glaser wrote:
> > > When trying to browse the folders on my IMAP server I get the error:
> > > Folder browsing is not currently implemented.
> > > Does this mean there there is no functionality for it, or I just didn't compile
>it into the program?
> Hi,
> sorry to jump in here. But how do you actually browse all the
> IMAP folders on the remote server?
> The way I am doing now is to put every single folder under the
> mailbox command.
> I have tried to use 'c' change-folder, and then put the imap
> servername {} there, but then nothing comes up in the
> browser. The bottom status line says something like
> {}INBOX.
That's because the 'c' command *opens* the folder. Since the IMAP
server '{}INBOX.' can contain mail as well as other folders
mutt just opens the folder - with no mail in your case.
One (rather convoluted) way to get there is to issue the following
sequence of commands:-
c change-folder
? goes into browser
c change-dir
^U deletes the default you're given
{}INBOX the IMAP *directory* to open
There is also some way of getting there using TAB in response to the
change-folder prompt but the above route is more universal in my
experience. I have defined macros to perform the above sequence (see
my earlier message today).
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