> Mikko Hänninen (Mon 15.0500-22:05): > > bind editor ^T complete-query > > Ahh. Ahh. -- clemens [EMAIL PROTECTED] do D4685B884894C483 gpg recv-key 0x9 echo `gpg list-key 0x9 | cat -tv` | \ gpg encrypt `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` | \ mail -s your-key `gpg list-key 0x9 | 822address` wait [encrypted] return mail. no return mail within a week, you in trouble. no return mail after a month, i in trouble. please check done
- Error Compiling 1.2 : Configure aborts if $MAIL is not se... Rainer Gubanski
- Mutt and address books Justin Megawarne
- Re: Mutt and address books Mikko Hänninen
- Re: Mutt and address books Andreas Hasenack
- Re: Mutt and address books clemensF
- Re: Mutt and address books Mikko Hänninen
- Re: Error Compiling 1.2 : Configure aborts if $MAIL ... Thomas Roessler