On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 11:26:32AM +0800, billy chan wrote:
> [00.05.12 15:09] Chris Green <Chris Green>
> > Thus I want a way to specify the directory at the times when one
> > enters the browser, there are already some special characters
> > recognised here (e.g. '?') so it should be possible to have a new
> > special character which prompts for a 'start-browsing-at' directory.
> >
> > This would be useful in various ways I think, especially if one wants
> > to switch back and forth between IMAP folders and local folders. It
> > would also be useful if one has two sets of 'local' mail folders deep
> > down two different directory hierarchies.
> Not sure what I'm doing is what you want. I created some symbolic links
> under the mail folder to directories holding my saved posts and my own
> posts in the newsgroups. When I want to switch back and forth, I change
> folder by "c" and "=<tab>" or "=<tab><tab>" bring me to the default.
> It's possible to set folder=<some directory> which holds the only
> symbolic links to different mail directories. "c=<tab>" will bring
> you back to the topmost hierarchy.
Yes, I realised that was a possible method when navigating a complex
local hierarchy. It doesn't work for IMAP folders on a remote system
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