After all my recent mumblings about the browser, browsing IMAP
folders, moving around, etc. I think I finally understand how it works
now and, as a consequence, how I would like it to work.

My basic need is to be able to specify where to start browsing,
instead of the browser starting off where it left off.

Thus I want a way to specify the directory at the times when one
enters the browser, there are already some special characters
recognised here (e.g. '?') so it should be possible to have a new
special character which prompts for a 'start-browsing-at' directory.

This would be useful in various ways I think, especially if one wants
to switch back and forth between IMAP folders and local folders.  It
would also be useful if one has two sets of 'local' mail folders deep
down two different directory hierarchies.

Is this something that other users would like, what are the chances of
it being implemented?  Assuming mutt is written in C/C++ I'm actually
keen enough to have a go at it myself, especially if somoene can point
me in the direction of the browser code.

Alternatively have I missed something that's already present that
would allow me to get what I want with the existing mutt?


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