Corey G. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

> Mutt Group,
> I am looking for what I would call a nice color scheme for Mutt.  I
> currently use the scheme listed below but I would like to see what other
> people have come up with.  I tinkered around but I have very little
> artistic ability.

Edited Svens color scheme 
(screenshot at

#color messages from important people
#oh little bit of paranoia
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED]
#mutt important people
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED]       #author of mutt
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED] #compressed folders and lbdb

#vim important people
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED] #author of vim
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED] #author of vim
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED] #Peppe
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED] #Jeanluc

#mutt and vim important people
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED]
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED]
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED] #Sven
color index green default ~[EMAIL PROTECTED] #Sven

#set color to tagged message
color index yellow default ~T
#collapsed thread to red
color index brightred default ~v
#deleted mails are bleeding
color index red default ~D
#new mail is yellow
color index yellow default ~N 
#flagged mails are important
color index brightcyan default ~F

#color definition for message
color header yellow black Subject:
color header brightcyan black .
color body brightyellow black [_a-z\.\$A-Z0-9-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\./\-]+
color body yellow black (http|ftp)://[_a-zA-Z0-9\./~\-]+
color quoted green black
color signature brightblue black
color indicator yellow blue
color attachment yellow black
color indicator black cyan
color status yellow blue
color tilde blue black

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