On Sun 05/07/00 at 11:40 PM -0500, "Corey G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am looking for what I would call a nice color scheme for Mutt.  I
> currently use the scheme listed below but I would like to see what other
> people have come up with.

>From my .muttrc:

color hdrdefault   brightwhite     black
color signature    brightred       black
color indicator    brightyellow    brightred
color error        brightred       black
color status       yellow          blue        # The 2 status bars are yellow *on 
color tree         brightmagenta   black       # The thread-tree for threaded 
color tilde        brightmagenta   black
color message      brightgreen     black       # Informational messages, *not mail.*
color normal       white           black       # Plain text ("white" is set at silver,
                                               # "brightwhite" is set at white).
color attachment   cyan            black       # 'Cyan' is set at purple.
color search       brightwhite     red         # Highlights the search patterns
in the pager.
color header       yellow          black   ^(From|Subject):
color header       cyan            black   ^(X-*|User-Agent*)
color body         brightyellow    black   "(ftp|http)://[^ >]+"
color body         brightblue      black   \\*.*\\*
color body         cyan            black   \\_.*\\_
color body         magenta         black   \\/.*\\/
color body         cyan            black   [-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+
color markers      red             black       # This is the '+' that indicates 
wrapped pager lines.
color underline    white           red

color body   magenta  color0  "(mailto:)?[^[ =^:#,+\t\n<>()@\"]+@[^] 

color index   brightblue     black    (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]~[EMAIL PROTECTED])
color index   brightblue     black    (~[EMAIL PROTECTED]~[EMAIL PROTECTED])
color index   brightwhite    black     ~z>15k   # Subject headers of all mails larger
                                                # than 15k are brightwhite in
                                                # the index.

# Different colors for 8 levels of quoting:

color quoted       brightgreen          color0
color quoted1           color1          color0
color quoted2     brightyellow          color0
color quoted3       brightblue          color0
color quoted4       brightcyan          color0
color quoted5             cyan          color0
color quoted6      brightwhite          color0
color quoted7             blue          color0

# Setting by number can resolve color-name conflicts between mutt & your term
# program:

#   0 = black   1 = red   2 = green   3 = yellow   4 = blue   5 = magenta
#   6 = cyan    7 = white (usually lite grey)   8 = brightblack (us. drk grey)
#   9 = brightred   10 = brightgreen   11 = brightyellow   12 = brightblue
#  13 = brightmagenta   14 = brightcyan   15 = brightwhite

mono header underline ^(From|Subject):
mono quoted bold

                                 // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //

       Theologians reckon by eternity, philosophers in centuries, statesmen in
        years, politicians in days, and generals in minutes, but the seducer
         stands to lose everything if he isn't ready on a second's notice.
                     -- Malcolm de Chazal   Sens-Plastique

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