On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 04:34:17PM +0200, Christian Ordig wrote:
> btw.: please use proper line breaks... editing an answer to your mail is
> a pain... Thank you. (I intentionally left your mistakes in!)
Yes, this is usual problem. I solved it with:
set editor="vim -c \"set textwidth=74\" -c \"set noai\" -c \
\"set nocindent\" -c \"set fo=tcrq\""
... and hitting gq} and similar in ViM when composing an answer to
such unbroken long lines.
Another solutions?
< Martin Mačok [EMAIL PROTECTED] <iso-8859-2>
\\ http://kocour.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~macok/ http://underground.cz/ //
\\\ -= t.r.u.s.t n.0 o.n.e =- ///
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