On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 05:27:07PM -0500, Kelly Scroggins wrote:
> Well,
> I guess I made a big beginers mistake. I made these changes to my ~/.muttrc but I
>didn't close mutt and reopen mutt to apply the changes.
> my_hdr From: Kelly Scroggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> set sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -oi [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
well... maybe you shouldn't set the command line switch directly... but it
will do the same as the .muttrc line suggested by me...
btw.: please use proper line breaks... editing an answer to your mail is a
pain... Thank you. (I intentionally left your mistakes in!)
Christian Ordig | Homepage: http://thor.prohosting.com/~chrordig/
Germany | eMail: Christian Ordig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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