On Wed-03.05.00-00:48, Stefan Bender wrote:
> So if you ask about my general setup, it's just qmail as MTA, a
> personal .qmail file, which runs procmail, some recipies in
> .procmailrc to sort the mails (don't forget to add a `/' for
> _maildirs_ and proper versions of procmail :) and that's it.
> I'm lucky that this is my own computer and I'm my own sysadm right
> now, but you may have to ask your sysadmin to install procmail for
> you, to make it possible to move mails from /var/mail (or
> /var/spool/mail) to your home directory. Or does anyone know that
> procmail runs properly even without suid root?
procmail can be installed, if i recall this right, without priviledges,
sgid mail and suid root. it drops priviledges as soon as it knows who's
recipe is running and the neccessary locks are in place. but all this
concerns only permissions and can be settled _after_ the neccessary
thinking. since i forgot why i sent you this mail, i will have to resort
to... guess what? it's called ifile (by jason rennie). everybody who is
in control over his email-setup should know this problem. it uses a
simple, but efficient, and not based on string search, algorithm from the
fields of machine learning. applied to email messages it can automatically
file them where the user him/herself would have put them. you can train
the system any time by supplying the correct answer to live samples and you
will never have to think about matching regular expressions.
the reason for my sermon is that i switched from pine to mutt because it
cooperates much better with {ifile, procmail/formail and sendmail}. my
incentive is a paperless office. i don't want to spend time and effort to
collect information for a single purpose and forget everything when the
task at hand is finished. i want associative memory. the first step in
this direction is a unified rfc822 message base subdivided into as many
categories or folders i see fit. therefore incoming email is subjected to
spam-screening and then ifile takes over. ifile associates a category
to a message, which is then appended to the corresponding mailfolder with
formail. formail is also employed to bring non-rfc822 files into shape or
take mailfolders or newsdigests apart. i have checked every part of this
puzzle and i have wired things to see them in operation. so far my system
is not complete, but work is easy because i know exactly what i want to do
with my little text toolbox.
there's more to this, though. i've got swi-prolog and there are special
purpose gimmics to bring the wonderful world of artificial intelligence to
http. for example, there is gate, consisting of prolog and java modules
for natural language processing (written text, that is!). and i have some
ideas as to where a setup like mine might be useful. but i get carried
away, don't even know this mail's subject any more...
anyway, would you kindly emit a few lines about qmail and it's special
virtues compared to sendmail? yes i know this is mutt-users, but general
topics have to be considered, right?
> I meant multiple `/`'s _in_ the path name...
i dindn't exclude them. the (posix? rfc?) standard behaviour is reading
them as one '/'.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] i file with ifile