On Wed, Apr 19, 2000 at 05:11:26PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2000-04-19 14:57:10 +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> > If I remember the thread right, this request came about
> > partially because you can't do the "graft" function
> > when sending messages. Even if you use edit-headers and
> > include a correct References header, Mutt will remove
> > it before sending.
> Without checking this in the code, I seem to recall that
> adding an In-Reply-To header _plus_ a References header
> will make things work.
Right, just grab your favrite editor and there you go.
You can be replaced by this computer.
PGP-fingerprint: DECA E9D2 EBDD 0FE0 0A65 40FA 5967 ACA1 0B57 7C13