On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 03:50:42PM -0400, Michael Tatge wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 09:18:47PM +0200, Marius Gedminas wrote:
> > Yes.  I'd like to sort by To: field, then by thread, and then by date
>                                                ^^^^^^
> Do you mean Subject: field here? If not how do you want to sort mails by To:
> field and sorted in threads at the same time???
> You can sort threads against other threads by the To: field of cause.

Well, that's what I wanted to say.  I was abusing "by thread" as a way
of saying "perform the threading at this point".

> > (and I also want to group messages with the same Message-Id together).
> ???

Have you ever received duplicate mails?  When they appear in the middle
of the thread, usually a whole subthread separates them.  Anyway, it is
unlikely that this problem could be solved with sorting, so it's kinda

(Of course, since I began using procmail, I just set it up to find
duplicates and add a X-Note: header to them. color index red ... takes
care of everything else ;)

> > One of my secret wishes for 1.3 (it's too big for 1.2) is to see current
> > sorting interface changed to a more consistent
> > 
> >   set sort=<key1>, <key2>, ...
> What should be the semantic of this $sort variable then? 

E.g. sorting without threading:

  set sort="to, reverse-date"

Sorting and threading:

  set sort="to, date, thread, reverse-date"

(everything to the left of "thread" shows sorting order for threads,
and everything to the right -- for messages within threads).

> I think it's
> better to have three different sorting vars. Like $sort (how to sort
> mails), $sort_aux (secound sorting key) and $thread_sort(if
> $sort=threads, how to sort threads internally), for instance.
> $sort and $sort_aux could be merged into a new $sort= <key1>, <key2>
> maybe.

Maybe.  $sort, $thread_sort and $show_threads (yes/no)?

Marius Gedminas
Microsoft -- because God hates us.

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