(Hello, everyone, again. Somehow I got unsubscribed from this list --
maybe my subscription had expired? ;-) Or maybe just my ISP's mail
server went down at the wrong moment.)
On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 04:52:44PM -0400, Michael Tatge wrote:
> I just played around with the $sort_aux variable and I came to the
> opinion that a third sorting key is needed. It's a bit annoying that
> $sort_aux controls how threads are sorted against other threads _and_
> the thread internal sorting.
> What do you think about this?
Yes. I'd like to sort by To: field, then by thread, and then by date
(and I also want to group messages with the same Message-Id together).
One of my secret wishes for 1.3 (it's too big for 1.2) is to see current
sorting interface changed to a more consistent
set sort=<key1>, <key2>, ...
Marius Gedminas
There is a 70% probability of tomorrow. (Actual weatherman quote, 1988)