On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 06:35:39PM +0100, J McKitrick wrote:
> 1. When i respond to a mailing list, i would like my message to NOT
> show up in my mailbox. SO far, i have been using 'g' group reply for
> mailing lists.
> DO i want list reply instead?
If you want MfT-Headers to be created, then YES you want to.
> Or is there an option i need to set for this?
subscibe <list> for lists you are subscibed to, or
lists <list> for lists you know of (does anybody really need this?)
> 2. Is there a funtion for save-thread? I know there is a
> delete-thread, but i haven't seen a save-thread.
AFAIK not. I use "<esc>t" (tag-thread) and then ";s"