Is there any way to tell Mutt to append my .signature to the message at the point when I *send* it instead of when I start composing it? I need this functionality in order to include time-sensitive information in the signature that is based on the time the message is sent. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
- Re: append .signature on message send? lewst
- Re: append .signature on message send? Mikko Hänninen
- Re: append .signature on message send? Aleksey Tsalolikhin
- Re: append .signature on message send? Jason Baker
- Re: append .signature on message sen... Mikko Hänninen
- Re: append .signature on messag... Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
- Re: append .signature on message sen... Thomas Roessler
- Re: append .signature on message send? Byrial Jensen
- Re: append .signature on message send? Thomas Roessler
- Re: append .signature on message send? lewst
- Re: append .signature on message send? Mikko Hänninen