* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mon Mar 27 13:58 -0500:
> % Why does resend-message (ESC-e) not respect $copy?  Presumably if
> % $copy is set, one wants a copy saved, of all messages sent.
> While I accept your argument, I think that the general premise is that
> you already have a copy of the message (since you're resending it) and
> you're not making any changes (like adding the recipient to the headers)
> and so a copy would be superfluous.

No, not superfluous.  A new (edited) message is sent out, not a cc.

> Now, I don't have esc-e in my copy, so that must be new (as alluded to
> below), and maybe I don't understand the resend-message function yet.

resend-message pulls the message "as a template for a new message"
into the editor, for editing, and on exiting the editor it is
presented in the compose window, for sending.  Handled as such,
those who have $copy/$record set would naturally expect a copy of
this new message to be saved, and until they notice that's not the
case no record is kept of anything sent via this method.

Either there was a rationale for not recording such messages, the
coding was problematic, or bypassing $copy was an oversight.
Perhaps one of the developers can offer insight.


>From the 1.1.x NEWS.gz, for those unfamiliar with the function:

- The old edit-message command has been split into two commands,
  edit-message and resend-message.

  With edit-message (bound to e by default), mutt makes a copy of
  the raw message, and gives you the possibility to manipulate it
  with your favorite editor. This is ideal for fixing messed-up MIME
  headers and the like.

  After you have left the editor, the edited version of the message
  is copied back to the current folder, and the original message is
  marked for deletion.

  With resend-message (bound to ESC e by default), mutt takes the
  current message as a template for a new message.  This function is
  best described as "recall from arbitrary folders".  Note that the
  amount of headers included here depends on the value of the weed

Patrick Walsh
Edmonton AB CA

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