Patrick --

...and then Patrick Walsh said...
% Why does resend-message (ESC-e) not respect $copy?  Presumably if
% $copy is set, one wants a copy saved, of all messages sent.

While I accept your argument, I think that the general premise is that
you already have a copy of the message (since you're resending it) and
you're not making any changes (like adding the recipient to the headers)
and so a copy would be superfluous.

Now, I don't have esc-e in my copy, so that must be new (as alluded to
below), and maybe I don't understand the resend-message function yet.
I'm thinking of bounce-message at the moment, but could also consider edit
(for editing an existing message and then shipping -- but I believe that
edit -> send *does* honor $copy).

% (this function is not listed in the 1.1.9i manual.txt)

Can't help ya with that; haven't been there yet :-)

% -- 
% Patrick Walsh
% Edmonton AB CA

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