J McKitrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 23 Mar 2000:
> I would like mutt to 
> (1)  Allow me to select a URL from the body of a message
> (2)  Open up lynx to view it
> Do i need URL view for this?  Or can i somehow pipe URLs to lynx?

Well, the best way is to use urlview.  If you don't have the authority
to install it for yourself, ask the systhem administration.  Also note
that under most shells it is possible for users to compile programs for
themselves, so if that is possible and you're allowed to, you could only
install urlview for your own use.  Similarly, the mailcap file used
would not need to be global.

The simple option would be to pipe the email message to
lynx -force_html, which may or may not produce any sort of usable

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //  http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
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// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
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