Hi *!
I have a slight problem with Muttrc in the 1.1.9. In 1.0.1 and before, the
Muttrc that got installed was automatically changed during install to
contain the correct path to "manual.txt" according to --prefix. This no
longer works for 1.1.9. Even after configuring with --prefix, the installed
Muttrc still contains "/usr/local/....." as path to manual.txt
NEWS states that the mechanism to generate Muttrc has been changed, so maybe
this was an oversight? Or did I miss something?
Also, as far as I can gather, the charsets are no longer part of the
tarball but are distributed separately ("charmaps-0.0"). Is this a
development version specific thing or will this be a permanent change? I'm
asking because we'd have to take this into account when providing the new
RPMs for 1.2 when it comes out (we're currently running tests on 1.1.9).
I couldn't find anything in NEWS or ChangeLog and a brief skim of my own
mutt-devel archives came up empty, so I decided to ask...
Thanks in advance,
Thomas Ribbrock http://www.bigfoot.com/~kaytan ICQ#: 15839919
"You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"