Terje Elde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 16 Mar 2000:
> The problem is that what I need is more or less to enable the send-hook
> matching only if I'm in a spesific folder, or writing a email from a
> spesific address.

Well, you have two different situations here:

You can't match in a send-hook the From address (that I know of),
because it's possible to *set* the From address with a send-hook.
So if you're using $reverse_name, then you're a bit out of luck.
If you're using a send-hook to set the From: header, then you could
simply use the same hook to set also your signature.

It's a pity that there isn't a "folder match" operator for patterns,
IMHO that would help with many of these cases.  I wonder how difficult
that would be to add...

The other situation is when you're in a specific folder.  In that case,
you could make creative use of the new "unhook" command to clear/load
your send-hooks based on the folder you're in (with folder-hooks).  I
see you're already using 1.1.9 so you don't even need to upgrade to get
this feature working. :-)

So, here's my wish list for making send-hooks more useful and able to
cope with more situations:

- the "original message match" pattern operator, as proposed by someone
(I forget who) -- better than having "reply-hooks", with these it would
be possible to do things based on the contents of the *original* message
which is being replied to
- a folder-matching pattern operator, would be useful in save-hooks at
least, in addition to send-hooks

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //  http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
Inertia makes the world go round.

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