On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 04:11:09PM +0100, Terje Elde wrote:
> ... but is there any way I can manage to set mutt up to check the
> domain I'm sending to, and set the correct sig?
I have one signature file for "internal" e-mail and another for
"external" e-mail. Here's what I put in my muttrc file to select the
appropriate signature as a function of the addresses's domain:
send-hook . 'set signature=$HOME/.mutt/signature'
send-hook '^~t "@hp\.com$|\.hp\.com$|@agilent\.com$|\.agilent\.com$"' 'set
In my case, "internal" is anything going to hp.com or agilent.com.
Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
| Spokane, Washington, USA