On 2000-03-09 01:56:21 -0800, Eugene Lee wrote:

> Besides, when releasing software that is still in beta
> testing, how do you count versions according to the
> Linux kernel way?  For example, the previous Mutt beta
> was 1.1.7.  Since the current release is still beta,
> shouldn't it be numbered as 1.1.9 ?

The first digit of the version number is the major
release.  0.* was not-yet-released (oh well ;-), 1.0 was
the first stable release.  1.0.1 is a fix-up version of
that.  1.1.* was an unstable branch (actually, it's the
same branch which used to be known as 0.96 earlier).  When
1.1.* is mature, it'll be called 1.2, and we'll start a
new unstable branch which will be named 1.3.  The next
release will be 1.4, or 2.0, or whatever.


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