Hi Thomas!
On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2000-02-22 13:01:39 -0600, Jason Helfman wrote:
> > What type of macro could I set up so if I am in a specific folder
> > I could do a List Reply, when hitting r?
> folder-hook a "bind index r list-reply; bind pager r list-reply; bind attach r
> folder-hook b "bind index r reply; bind index r reply; bind attach r reply"
Excellent, I often wondered this myself but never asked :)
Linux User: #124682 ICQ: 679813
My Current Uptime is 2d, 22h and 22m on Linux 2.2.14
It said "Needs Windows 95 or better". So I installed Linux...
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