Mikko Hänninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave Lorand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Tue, 15 Feb 2000:
> > Yes, with a little inconsistency with mutt -y: it jumped to the first
> > unread message, which happened to be one marked with an "O" - that is,
> > I had seen it in the listing before but hadn't gotten around to
> > reading it.
> I don't know about that. I don't use mutt -Z myself. I suspect the
> functionality is the same as if you did:
> mutt -y
> pick first mailbox with new messages
> go to first unread message (tab)
> (Well, hmm, tab goes to new messages before old ones..)
What I'm saying is that this is not the behavior - it goes to the
first old message.
> > Maybe this is normal, but I
> > would prefer to have some "O" markings in the mailbox list as well.
> Unfortunately that's not possible short of scanning through all of the
> mail folders. Ie. practically impossible, you'd need to potentially
> wait a very long time for the folder list to appear... There's no way
> to determine if a folder contains any "old" messages short of parsing
> it. It is, however, possible to determine whether there have been any
> new messages added to it since it was last read, and this is what Mutt
> does.
Good point. Mutt must check the size and time modified to decide of
there are new messages.
I would love to add this other (time-consuming) feature as an option;
maybe I'll code it myself and contribute the code. You would only
have to parse mailboxes which don't already have "N" status, and in
the ones you do parse, you'd only have to go as far as the first Old
message. Worst case is scanning an entire mailbox, but with my usage
patterns this wouldn't happen often.
| Dave Lorand, System Administrator | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Social Science Research Computing | 773-702-3792 |
| University of Chicago | 773-702-2101 (fax) |
PGP key: http://www.src.uchicago.edu/users/davel/key.txt