Mikko Hänninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave Lorand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Tue, 15 Feb 2000:
> > Well, there *was* a core file in my home directory, but it could have
> > been from KDE for all I know.
> At least on my system, I can see from which program the core was left
> behind with "file core".  With gdb (or other debugger), it's probably
> also possible to see the command line arguments etc., but file should
> be sufficient for determining where the core came from.

Oops; I should have renamed the core file instead of deleting it.  If
the problem ever recirs, I'll try "file core".

> > I had never done c-?-tab from within mutt before, so my guess is that
> > somehow mutt -y only works after that's been done once.  Very wierd.
> Weird indeed.  Mutt doesn't save any sort of state information across
> sessions (apart from the contents of the mail folders themselves).
> There isn't even a feature to dump out the current state of all the
> options and hooks even if you would *want* to, let alone store anything
> automatically.  So, your executing c-?-tab certainly couldn't have
> affected "mutt -y"; something else must have changed.

Maybe mutt did something to the folders themselves?  A long shot, but
they seem to be the only things that might have been written.

> Does mutt -Z work properly now as well?

Yes, with a little inconsistency with mutt -y: it jumped to the first
unread message, which happened to be one marked with an "O" - that is,
I had seen it in the listing before but hadn't gotten around to
reading it.  mutt -y given me a listing of mailboxes with an N next to
the ones with new mail ("N" messages) but doesn't mark mailboxes which
have "O" messages but no "N" messages.  Maybe this is normal, but I
would prefer to have some "O" markings in the mailbox list as well.


| Dave Lorand, System Administrator | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Social Science Research Computing | 773-702-3792           |
| University of Chicago             | 773-702-2101 (fax)     |
   PGP key: http://www.src.uchicago.edu/users/davel/key.txt

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