Dear Mutts,

You've got one happy Mutt convert here. At least for the moment. After
half a day grappling with getting things configured nicely I like it. 

I had two main gripes with getting Mutt going. I'll give some
recommendations for how I see the user experience could be made easier.
Please do not take all too seriously, I've only been using Mutt for a
day and on this list for a day so some of this has probably been
discussed already at length.

1. Sendmail configuration

This was one that got me for a while. Having always used web based email
clients or clients with their own SMTP stuff in them, my sendmail has
been badly configured at home for at least a year. The mutt help I found
on this was not very helpful. At first I tried sSMTP but had
difficulties getting it to work correctly especially as I needed to keep
sendmail as an MDA for fetchmail to deliver to. 

The document that helped me most in fixing the masquerading settings in
sendmail was the Sendmail HOWTO at the RedHat support site:

as well as the FAQ:

I would definitely recommend putting these links in a few places in the
documentation as they clearly explain the issues involved and what to do
to get things right rather than just giving up and using a simpler MTA.
For the less advanced Mutt user this can be a stumbling block.

2. Mutt configuration and help

Is appalling. There are way too many options in the sample config file.
At least the standard ones which users might like to change should be
put at the top of the file and the more esoteric below that.

It would be great to have a tutorial for the new Mutt user to go through
installation and configuration clearly and in detail.

But I hear you - put up or shut up.. Actually I've just been inspired to
write a Mutt new user tutorial. I'll have a quick look for one done
already then have a go... Expect to hear from me soon =)

Thank you very much for your time and an excellent program,


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