> > Is there an option with which I can prevent Mutt adding those
> > fields to messages, _at least_ when the message is not read or
> > whatever? If not, do you also consider this a useful feature?
> You can always open the folder in read-only mode or just disable writing
> by hitting `%' before quitting.
Thanks for your suggeston, but this is not an option for me. I want it
to work ok for daily use, not for a special case where I explicitly have
to open folders in R/O mode or have to give extra commands. Mutt should
have the option to leave messages unchanged, _at least_ when opening
the folder the next time will result in the same situation anyway (i.e.,
a missing Status field is implicitly considered as "Status: O", I think).
I will check what I can do to add one or more options for this and see
how that works for me.
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