On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 02:15:47AM +0000, Lars Hecking wrote:
> Michael Tatge writes:
> > I have a major problem with Mutt 1.0i. Mail to some hosts does not reach its
> > destination without me getting an error message. I use sendmail as MTA and
> > it seems that sendmail is correctly configured. When I use netscape or kmail
> > this does not happen though I also use sendmail as MTA then.
> > The thing I can't understand why it's only some hosts that do not receive my
> > mail, while with other it's on problem!
> Mail to _which_ hosts works, and which fails?
That seemed be quite deliberatedly.
> > #send-hooks
> > send-hook '!(~t @deep-thought)' 'my_hdr From:
> The reason mail works for other programs may be that they can talk
> to the smarthost SMTP directly if so configured. Netscape can, for
> sure, don't know kmail.
I configured netscape and that to use localhost as SMTP so that sendmail
will do the task.
> > >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Feb 11 14:18:42 2000
> > Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Received: from localhost (localhost [])
> > by deep-thought.seidenbergstr (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id OAA00858
> > for <t@localhost>; Fri, 11 Feb 2000 14:18:42 -0500
> > Received: from pop.studserv.uni-stuttgart.de
> > by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-5.2.0)
this header was added by sendmail cause I use fetchmail to get my mails
fetchmail forwards the mail form my ISP to the local SMTP port
> > for t@localhost (single-drop); Fri, 11 Feb 2000 14:18:42 -0500 (EST)
> This envelope sender is meaningless outside your own machine, and you
> should use sendmail -f as someone else pointed out.
> > [t@deep-thought ~]$ mailq
> > Mail Queue (2 requests)
> > --Q-ID-- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient------------
> > # message written with mutt
> > VAA01040 9 Fri Feb 11 21:50 t
> > (host map: lookup (bigfoot.de): deferred)
> > # message written with netscape
> > VAA01058 10 Fri Feb 11 21:51 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > (host map: lookup (studserv.uni-stuttgart.de): deferred)
> >
> This mailq output actually obscurs the problem. Do you have a
> problem with DNS, or was the queue snapshot taken while the machine
> was offline? In either case, it is probably a good idea to have the
> smarthost listed in /etc/hosts.
the mashine was offline at that time.
> Netscape talks to SMTP directly and uses the From: for the envelope (which
> makes it so simple to spoof email addresses in netscape). Mutt, OTOH,
> does not use of sendmail's -f option by default, i.e. the envelope sender
> is localuser@localhost (in your case t@deep-thought, or just t).
> It may well be that some SMTP's out there deny non-FQHN envelopes
> (I certainly do), but you would probably get a bounce message then.
> In any case, a look at the maillogs may help (/var/log/maillog or
> /var/log/messages). The logs from the smarthost would be useful as
> well, but you probably won't be able to get access to them.
This problaby was the right hint. I added a new send-hook so that sendmail's
-f option is used for all non-local mail and it seems that I can reach some
host now to which mails simply got lost before.
Thanks to everyone for all the help!