On Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 06:50:22PM -0500, Yifang Dai wrote:
> Hi, here is a situation that bothers me a lot, I receive fax in an
> attachment as tif files. But mutt doesn't recognize it as
> image/tiff but instead as:
> [-- Attachment #2: aaaeoth9.tif --]
> [-- Type: application/octet-stream, Encoding: base64, Size: 22K --]
> [-- application/octet-stream is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part)
> --]
> I know I can use 'v' and 's' to save it to disk first, and I also know I
> can change the attachment content type by '^E', but I want mutt to
> recognize the correct mime types automatically and then I can just type
> 'v' then 'enter' to launch viewfax. Is there anyway to accomplish this?

This is not a problem with mutt but with the program used to send the
mail.  It is the responsibility of the sending MUA (mail user agent) to
label the attachment with the proper Content-Type which the receiving
MUA then uses to determine how to view the attachment.  Some (e.g.,
Microsoft) MUAs use the file extension to determine how to view the
file, but this is not the way that MIME is specified to work.

That being said, if you can't convince the sender to fix his/her MUA
configuration and you really want to handle these messages
automatically, I would suggest using procmail to edit your incoming mail
on the fly and "correct" the Content-Type field to match the file name
extension.  I have fixed other MIME-encoding errors this way, but not
this particular error.

Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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