Hi, here is a situation that bothers me a lot, I receive fax in an
attachment as tif files. But mutt doesn't recognize it as
image/tiff but instead as:
[-- Attachment #2: aaaeoth9.tif --]
[-- Type: application/octet-stream, Encoding: base64, Size: 22K --]
[-- application/octet-stream is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part)
I know I can use 'v' and 's' to save it to disk first, and I also know I
can change the attachment content type by '^E', but I want mutt to
recognize the correct mime types automatically and then I can just type
'v' then 'enter' to launch viewfax. Is there anyway to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Yifang Dai