On 2000-02-08 16:20:36 -0700, Daryl W. Grunau wrote:

> I guess I didn't state my request properly - I would like to
> additionally include 'To:' and 'Cc:' in the text portion of any
> reply I send, so that the basic context of the mail I'm replying
> to can be seen by all recipients.  Normally, I would 'set header'
> and then edit out all header lines except 'From', 'Date',
> 'Subject', 'To', and 'Cc' to accomplish this. I'm just looking
> for an easier way - attribution may not be the answer.

You may wish to try version 1.1.3, from the still-unstable branch.
In this case, the set of headers included with replies when $header
is set is controlled by the general header weeding.

I.e., when you view a message with full header, and reply, the full
header is included, but when you view a message with weeded header,
and reply, the header included with the reply template is weeded.


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