I posted this a week or so ago and got no response, so I thought I would
try again with a different (and hopefully more appropriate) subject line.

I am using mutt 1.0i and am have a problem with group reply.  In my .muttrc
file I have remapped the g and ^G keys as follows:

        bind  generic   "g"             first-entry
        bind  attach    "g"             first-entry
        bind  index     "g"             first-entry
        bind  pager     "g"             top

        bind  index     "\cg"           group-reply
        bind  pager     "\cg"           group-reply

When I am in the index or pager and type ? it reports:

        ^G          group-reply            reply to all recipients

However, when I type ^G nothing happens.  I am running mutt in an xterm
window on a Sun/Solaris7/OpenWindows platform.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to what might be wrong?


C. Jeffery Small   Architect    CJSA LLC                     (206) 232-3338
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   7000 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA  98040

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